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2016 AGM Minutes

Manning Valley Dressage and Hacking Club 2016 Annual General Meeting.

Your club held it's AGM on Monday evening, 19th September.

It was pleasing to see a good number of attendees and the meeting went well. Thank you all who came along.

It was a somewhat sad meeting because of the stepping down of our amazing, hard-working and ambitious President, Valerie Brodin. Valerie has been a huge asset for the club, running competitions, keeping everything up to date, working hard to improve and expand the club. We will miss her terribly but fully understand that family comes first. We wish her all the very best and offer our deepest thanks for all she has done above and beyond in her time with the club.

Karlyn Hawkins also stood down from her role of Secretary of 5 years which she has been fitting in around her increasingly busy schedule. We are very grateful to Karlyn and appreciate her work and input and are happy to know that she will still be involved but to a lesser extent.

There were some amalgamations of positions and creation of management teams as opposed to individual offices in some areas to ensure the work load was spread to prevent overburdening any one committee member.

Congratulations to our new and continuing office bearers! Download the AGM Minutes Here

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